Thursday, August 23, 2007


Everyone, don't say my real name for security reasons. There are presently four countries after me for various illegal enterprises, and if they knew you knew me they would surely kill you. Just FYI. Just call me Peacefinger, or The Finger, or Fingo-rama, or Finginator, or Peace-ola, or Your Imperial Awesome Illustrious Royal Highness Master-of-Everything, Sir, or whatever. Just not my real name, got it?


madscientist said...

Yes sir! MR. Middle Finger! LOLOLOLOL! ROFL!

madscientist said...

i prefer the finger... so it was you that called the leader of germany hitler... i see.

Your Conscience said...

i prefer the finger... so it was you that called the current leader of germany hitler... i see.

Your Conscience said...

wait... how did i type it frome both accounts?! Madsci did NOT say that... i did! i must have been seeing if anyone had commented on andrews blog at the time... LOL

Peacefinger said...


Your Conscience said...


Your Conscience said...

You need to post the next section of your story, i want to read it. i hav read the first part about five times now.