Thursday, August 30, 2007

Death in the Family

For those of you who don't know, my rat Penelope died of unknown causes on August 26th. That's all.


madscientist said...

Very Sad! :'-( You need to get another one to keep the other busy. Dont you hate how short they live????!!

Your Conscience said...

that sucks. but it could always suck more. what if your rat had not died, but instead it brought a deadly deseise that only you got and you suffered from it for the rest of your life?

pianochick_92 said...

Aaww.......seriously Abe, my heart's with you. After having two dogs die and a couple of pet chickens (yes, I had quite a few pet chickens......bc I'm so weird) die, I can totally relate. That seriously sux.

pianochick_92 said...

Abe,could you update ur blog plz??????I FINALLY updated mine,LOL.

Sola Gratia said...

Yeah, Abe, update!

pianochick_92 said...

I suppose that there will be a death to this blog,LOL. AND ANDREW!!! Oh my gosh, ur blog hasn't been updated in AGES,LOL!! Tisk tisk.....