Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Update No. 5

I forgot to mention that I received a very nice Takamine Jasmine S34C NEX for my birthday. That's a guitar, if you are wondering. I updated all my featured jigamathingies, and to appease the Madscientist gods, I used a guitar that WASN'T A GIBSON!! HOLY COW!! Refried beans rawk, amen.


madscientist said...

LOL, for once, i really like all of ur pictures on here....LOL...not just about the guitar, but the pig and everything...haha

pianochick_92 said...

That's a pretty sweet guitar....or at least it looks like a sweet guitar...IDK what a good guitar is composed of,LOL.

pianochick_92 said...

Abe, I send you the same greeting I sent to Adam. Dude. Seriously. Update.