Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Time Is Here!

Ah! Beautiful snow! It is, as you might have guessed, snowing at the time of posting, so I decided to do a REAL post to please certain pink parties that I shall not name. Winter is so nice, and the snow covered hillsides summon poems from within my lizard brain:
"Ode To Winter"
The soft footsteps of the ag'd years
Have all tread lightly in thy fine powder
In thy slush, scores of mittens have been soaked
In the walks thou hast blocked, many a muffled curse word has been
Utilized while shoveling
The loving, fairy touch of snowflakes on my frostbit brow
The unconcerned cries of "****" and "****" as people slip, stumble and fall on thy
Icy sidewalks
Bring untold peace to the Holiday Season

Just Kidding.


lizz said...

I love the poem it is so profound :)

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, yeah, I love the poem too. Yeah, cursing DEFINATELY brings forth the beauty of the holiday season,LOL. Jk.

Sola Gratia said...

Wow Abe. That is actually pretty good. I'm shocked. JK ;)

pianochick_92 said...

oh, do I happen to be the certain pink party,LOL?

Anonymous said...

HI ABE! guess what? It's what i see. it's what i don't see...
I'm not there. That's what I'm saying. I'm. Not. There.

madscientist said...

Try this:
Christmas In Tears

What is it about this time of year?
The way some people have no cheer.
They walk around with saddened faces,
Bringing gloom to merry faces.
Long lost love, and friends that have died
bring pain to this season of joy and new life.
With sorrow and tears,
they suffer the years
And pass on the legacy
of Christmas in tears.

pianochick_92 said...

Aw! That's such a cool poem Andrew! Seriously.....maybe you really SHOULD think about starting a band....seriously, that's like really good. Did you just come up with that off of the top of ur head?

madscientist said...

um, thats what came out of my head...kinda sad...the first thing that came in to my mind...iv got probs

pianochick_92 said...

Aw...the flow is nice...but it is sorta sad...

pianochick_92 said...

And now, New Year's Time is here! (and quickly passing) :p