Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sitings From a Kitchen Window

This morning, May 6, I was looking out of the kitchen windows, contemplating breakfast.
I won't go in to agonizing detail, but in that thirty-minute period I saw:

1. Two blue jays, very close to the window.
2. A chubby red cardinal, very very close to the window.
3. Three cotton-tail bucks duking it out over territory.
4. A spectacular little yellow and blue myrtle warble.
5. A strikingly orange and black Baltimore oriole.
6. A bald eagle with something in its talons.

Who knew out new house would be so full of nature?


pianochick_92 said...

That's really cool! Now when you say you were contemplating breakfast, were you staring at the cereal like looking at the sugar "stars" in the milk? I used to do that. And then I stopped doing it bc I found myself getting grossed out by it (sorry, I just HAD to make a comment on the post,so....yeah):p

lizz said...

Good question.

Peacefinger said...

I was contemplating what I was going to have for breakfast. Sort of a PREmeditating thing. No, I don't look at sugar stars.

Rachel is creeping me out.