Saturday, May 24, 2008

Untitled Post

I've been kind of lazy in maintaining my blog, with most of my posts consisting of music videos or little comments. So I'm going to try to make a good old mega-post.

Johnny Cash--Big River

The Clash--Should I Stay or Should I Go

P.S. You probably won't like this song if you don't like British punk, but I didn't much like punk until I listened to the Clash, so give it a try or two. It grew on me.

My last day at BCS went very well. We cleaned the school, had a scavenger hunt, had a bike ride (I biked around twelve miles,) played softball. Dylan, Elsie, And I signed our names in the maintenance room and basement as the class of 'O8. I got sunburned.
My favorite color is yellow, or green. I can't decide which. What's your's?
Bring on Summer Vacation!


Peacefinger said...

Postscript on the sunburn. I have such fair skin that I burn, not tan, and I burn easily, and I burn badly.

pianochick_92 said...

Aaww, that bites. No surprise that I don't get sunburned :p, so I can't really relate with you, but that must suck! Hope you're doing better. As far as fave colors go, my favorite color is purple. :p

Peacefinger said...

I kind of guessed on the fave color. What'd you think of the punk song?

pianochick_92 said...

The punk song was.....veddy intedesting. :p IDK. It was different! But different doesn't necessarily mean bad.:p