Saturday, August 9, 2008

Life Update No. WHATEVER

Yeah, so I haven't posted in a long time.
Boundary Waters is old news. It was fun, but if you want in-depth satirical analysis go to my bro's blog.
During my sabbatical, I've had a few obsessions running through my mind.
1.Gibson SG's. I know, I know more guitars. Boring.
2. The Raconteurs and the White Stripes, below.
The Raconteurs-Level

The White Stripes-You Don't Know What Love Is

3.Even more than usual, Jimi Hendrix.
4.Music in general.
5.School. Yes, I'm getting bored of summer.
Nothing else much has been going on, except the band. I'm frustrated that although we're good friends, we have different tastes in, well, heh heh, music. A fatal flaw in a band if you ask me, but we're trying to work around it. We're trying to get more practices in, but I'm the only one in the band that doesn't work or drive, I'm kind of a hindrance. Luckily, I make up for it by being such an awesome guitarist that I blow people's faces off. JK.

Postscripts: I don't expect you watch all the videos. They're are really there for my benefit.

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