I'm going to post random music videos throughout this post, so don't feel obligated to watch them in order or anything. Actually, since you don't care, you probably won't watch anyway. You think my music tastes are terrible. *Sob*
Greenday-I Fought The Law (cover)
Today Moz and I went outside and explored the swampy-foresty area behind the greenspace. We found many trails and areas we had never seen before, as well as a sandal, a toad, and a Pepsi can from 2001.
I haven't posted a classical song, so you probably think I don't like classical music. I do. P.S.-It's very quiet.
Chopin-Funeral March
After we explored, we packed a picnic and went into this nice little place just outside of Baldwin, and walked after we ate. Too bad the weather was wet and chilly. It was fun anyway.
Marvin Gaye-I Heard It Through the Grapevine (A' Capella. It shows how awesome his voice is. Sorry about how random this post was, but that's how my brain works.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Life Update
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Untitled Post
I've been kind of lazy in maintaining my blog, with most of my posts consisting of music videos or little comments. So I'm going to try to make a good old mega-post.
Johnny Cash--Big River
The Clash--Should I Stay or Should I Go
P.S. You probably won't like this song if you don't like British punk, but I didn't much like punk until I listened to the Clash, so give it a try or two. It grew on me.
My last day at BCS went very well. We cleaned the school, had a scavenger hunt, had a bike ride (I biked around twelve miles,) played softball. Dylan, Elsie, And I signed our names in the maintenance room and basement as the class of 'O8. I got sunburned.
My favorite color is yellow, or green. I can't decide which. What's your's?
Bring on Summer Vacation!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Jimi Hendrix- "Hear My Train Coming" On an Acoustic Twelve String
Jimi Hendrix playing an awesome and soulful song on a twelve string acoustic, which is about twice as hard as a Fender Strat, which is what he usually played. At the end, after "gotta leave this town," it cuts to a video of him in a car with some other hippies and he smokes a joint. So just look at something else when the scene cuts, but you can still listen to the song.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sitings From a Kitchen Window
This morning, May 6, I was looking out of the kitchen windows, contemplating breakfast.
I won't go in to agonizing detail, but in that thirty-minute period I saw:
1. Two blue jays, very close to the window.
2. A chubby red cardinal, very very close to the window.
3. Three cotton-tail bucks duking it out over territory.
4. A spectacular little yellow and blue myrtle warble.
5. A strikingly orange and black Baltimore oriole.
6. A bald eagle with something in its talons.
Who knew out new house would be so full of nature?